Career guidance activities

Martian Teapots digital art studios operate at the department. Martian Teapots are studios in which prospective entrants learn different areas of the digital arts: programming games, modeling, animation, filming videos, creating websites, and more. The studio works constantly and holds many different events. For example, the Martian Teapots Fest [Superhero]. As part of the festival, the filming of “The Lost of Mandarins”, a tournament with Mortal-Kombat in SomicsMania, Photoshop battle, gameplay, Counter-Strike: GO tournament, competition for the best comics and comic book cover and 10 more art battles: animated battle, video -Battle, Music Battle, Roblox Battle, Unity Battle, Photoshop Battle, Editing Battle, Gif Battle, 3D Battle and more.

More about the work of Martian Teapots digital art studios on social networks:

Educational channel
Канал про студію Martian Teapots

It’s no secret that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is one of the most popular first-person shooters in the world. The aim of the game is to confront two teams: terrorists and special forces. Players must complete the task of the card or destroy opponents. The Department of Economic Cybernetics has already hosted Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournaments in 5×5 and 2×2 formats. The tournaments were held online on the Faceit platform. The winning teams received a cash prize, which was formed by the department. After the tournaments, a lot of positive feedback was received.

In the future, the Department of Economic Cybernetics plans to continue to conduct e-sports tournaments with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive!

The Cabinet-Museum of the History of Computer Science Development is one of the forms of development of creative and social activity of students, education of a caring attitude to the monuments of history, culture and science.

The main task of the museum is to promote educational work and cultural and educational activities, promotion of information technology and specialty “Economics” (educational programs “Economic Cybernetics and Business Analytics”). The Cabinet-Museum of the History of Computer Engineering Development demonstrates the progress in the development of computer technology in the world and in our country; show how the forms and methods of the educational process have changed; bring training closer to production.