Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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Master`s programmes


The educational program provides training in the use of modern information systems and technologies for the collection, intellectual analysis and processing of statistical data, identification and solution of business problems using economic and mathematical methods, forecasting socio-economic processes, decision-making technologies, programming skills, design and database administration, creation of computer networks, information security, management of informatization projects, as well as economic theory, macro- and microeconomics, enterprise economics, management, marketing, etc.

Cybernetics economists and business analysts are on the list of the most popular professions in both the present and the future.

Our graduates solve following problems:

  • practical application and development of application software for business operation;
  • collection and processing of large arrays of economic data and the formation of appropriate analytical conclusions;
  • application of information systems to improve business efficiency;
  • formation of forecasts and scenarios of economic situation development both at the level of the enterprise and the country as a whole.

We provide practical skills in programming languages, web-site development, working with databases, the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in economic activities.

After graduation you will be able to work:

  • financial, economic and systems analysts;
  • computer experts, programmers;
  • consultants on information systems in various fields (production, finance, personnel management, logistics);
  • heads of IT departments of enterprises.

The demand for our graduates is guaranteed by a high level of fundamental economic, mathematical and computer training.

Types of study: full-time

Internships and parallel studies at universities in Italy, Germany, Poland and other countries.

Duration: 1 year 4 months.

Educational and professional programme ‘Economic Cybernetics’, Master’s degree, 2023.