Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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Our students

There is a stereotype that the only thing that students of the Economic Cybernetics and Business Analytics program can boast about is the ability to reconfigure Windows in 15 minutes and the number of sleepless nights spent in front of a computer screen analyzing another piece of data or programming a website. What about appearance? Can you imagine someone like Sheldon Cooper from the series “The Big Bang Theory” in old-fashioned jeans and a sweater with deer?

Give us a few minutes and we will try to dispel these myths. After all, cybernetics live no less a bright life than the heroes of American networks. There are athletes among us, dancers and vocalists, as well as those who have found themselves in scientific activities. So let’s get to know them better.

With such a large number of talented students, our department can compete even with the University of Culture and Arts. Permanent participants in dance numbers of any event – Berezhna Darina (, Musienko Daria (EC-01a), Fast Faith (EC-01a) in the team “S&P” and Chevguz Karina (EC-91a) . The ensemble “UniVoice”, which includes our students Gerasimenko Valeria (EC-81a), Kildei Anastasia (EC-81a) and Kurovskaya Julia (, can boast of their singing achievements, namely: the participation of Kildei Anastasia in the International vocal competition “Black Sea Sails” and took third place in the nomination “Variety Vocal” in the IX All-Ukrainian competition of school and student music art “Kyiv Color” vocal duo Gerasimenko Valeria and Kurovskaya Julia.

Despite a busy schedule, our students find time for self-development. Thus, Roman Kocherezhenko (AB-91a), despite his young age, is an intern at Odexy, and Shramko Elina (EC-91a) is a participant in the internship and youth development program “State Creator”. Gora Daria (EC-01a) is interested in studying such foreign languages ​​as Polish and German at the German Sumy Center. Litzman Marina (AB-81a) receives a scholarship from the Head of the Regional State Administration. Stefan Artem, a first-year student, is a member of the League of Changes NGO. And Nikonorova Oleksandra (EK-71a) is the director of the Sumy Regional Youth Organization “Young People’s Movement”.

Students of the educational program Economic Cybernetics and Business Analytics are regular participants in scientific conferences:

  • Dun Vadim (, Kurovskaya Julia (, Shramko Elina (EK-91a), Petrenko Karina (EK-91a), Radko Victoria (AB-71-8a), Basanets Sofia (AB -71a), Hrek Kateryna (AB-71a) – participation in the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference “Problems and prospects of development of the financial and credit system of Ukraine”;
  • Lilia Skrynka (EK.m-91na), Olena Hryhorenko (EK-71a) – participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-Economic Challenges”.
  • Skrynka Lilia (EK.m-91na), Hryhorenko Olena (EK-71a) – R&D executors with remuneration on the topic: “Cybersecurity in the fight against banking fraud: protection of consumers of financial services and growth of financial and economic security of Ukraine” head – Kuzmenko OV state registration number 0118U003574);
    Gabenko Maria (EK-81a), Piven Artem (EK-81a), Olikhnenko Kateryna (EK-81a), Stepanenko Daniela (EK-81a) – participation in the conference “The first step in science” from SSU.

The new YouTube section of the SumDu YouTube channel, launched in 2020, is “Interview with a Successful Student”, where new guests are cybernetics students – Basanets Sofia (AB-71a), Hrek Kateryna (AB-71a) and Revenko Artem (EK- 71a).

As in any university, the honorable place among the achievements is occupied by sports activities led by the following students:

  • Dun Vadim (AB-91a) – athletics section (sprinter);
  • Nesterenko Ivan (EK-01a) – basketball club of SSU;
  • Mogilina Anna (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Chepel Katerina (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Didorenko Kateryna (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Balukh Ariana (EK-01a) – SSU Volleyball Club;
  • Ostapenko Maria (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Kosik Darina (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Soroka Andriy (EK-01a) – Volleyball Club of SSU;
  • Peychev Ivan (EK-01a) – volleyball club of SSU.

Every year the most desirable event for all students and teachers takes place within the walls of our institute. This is the competition “Director, teacher and I – my family institute”. A holiday thanks to which they unite in a small friendly team and together create something interesting and fun. It was the team of cybernetics that won 2019.

We hope that we have managed to dispel the stereotypical view of the boring life of students in the educational program of economic cybernetics and business analytics.

So we are waiting for you to create a new history of our department).