Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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The internship of 3rd year students majoring in 051 “” Economics (“Economic Cybernetics”) is an integral part of the bachelor’s degree process. Introductory practice is the first stage of comprehensive practical training of students, serves as a means of adapting students to the conditions of professional activity. Scheduled for the third year in the 6th semester for 2 weeks.

Current practice bases can be found at the link.

The main task of industrial practice is to acquaint students with the first jobs, deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge of fundamental professionally-oriented disciplines, determine the direction of further research.

Objectives of the practice:

  • consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying professionally-oriented disciplines, acquisition and improvement of practical skills and abilities in the specialty;
  • acquiring the ability to collect, summarize and analyze specific economic information, make independent conclusions and suggestions;
  • gaining practical skills of complex solution of professional problems in the field of research, production and commercial activities using economic and mathematical methods, software, information systems and technologies;
  • acquisition of practical skills of organizational and managerial activities in the workforce.

Методичні вказівки щодо написання звіту проходження виробничої практики

Вимоги щодо оформлення звіту

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Рецензія на звіт проходження виробничої практики

Індивідуальне завдання

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training specialists in the program of educational qualification level “Bachelor” for students majoring in 051 Economics (“Economic Cybernetics”). It is designed to prepare future professionals for practical work, to increase their level of training, to form skills in the workforce. Undergraduate practice is carried out in the 4th year. Its duration is 6 weeks.

The purpose of undergraduate practice is to generalize, systematize, consolidate and deepen students’ theoretical knowledge in the relevant disciplines studied, gain skills in analyzing decision-making methods, information systems of a particular object of management to solve problems of evaluation, analysis and forecasting. using modern economic and mathematical methods and information technology.

The main tasks of the practice:

  • collecting materials for the qualification work and preparation for its implementation;
  • mastering modern methods, forms of labor organization in the field of future profession;
  • formation of professional skills and abilities for independent decision-making during specific work in real market and production conditions;
  • educating the need to independently systematically update their knowledge and creatively apply them in practice.

Методичні вказівки щодо написання звіту проходження переддипломної практики бакалаврів

Титульний аркуш

Завдання на переддипломну практику бакалаврів

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Рецензія на звіт проходження переддипломної практики бакалаврів

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training specialists in the program of educational qualification level “Master” for students majoring in 051 Economics (“Economic Cybernetics”). It is designed to prepare future professionals for practical work, to increase their level of training, to form skills in the workforce. Undergraduate practice is carried out in the 6th year – the 2nd year of master’s degree. Its duration is 4 weeks.

The purpose of undergraduate practice is to generalize, systematize, consolidate and deepen students’ theoretical knowledge in the relevant disciplines studied, gain skills in analyzing decision-making methods, information systems of a particular object of management to solve problems of evaluation, analysis and forecasting. using modern economic and mathematical methods and information technology.

The main tasks of the practice:

  • collecting materials for the thesis and preparation for its implementation;
  • mastering modern methods, forms of labor organization in the field of future profession;
  • formation of professional skills and abilities for independent decision-making during specific work in real market and production conditions;
  • educating the need to independently systematically update their knowledge and creatively apply them in practice.

Методичні вказівки щодо написання, оформлення та захисту кваліфікаційної магістерської роботи для студентів спеціальності 051 «Економіка» освітньо-професійної програми «Економічна кібернетика» освітнього ступеня магістра денної форми навчання

Титульний аркуш


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Рецензія на звіт проходження переддипломної практики бакалаврів