Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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Strategic development plan

The primary goals of the Department of Economic Cybernetics are:

  1. Attracting specialists from abroad to participate in teaching and scientific work.
  2. The need to increase the level of publication of scientific research results in publications indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection.
  3. Increasing the volume of farm contract topics.
  4. Increasing the number of applications from students and postgraduates to participate in KA1 ERASMUS+ programs, Visegrad Fund grants, etc. Increasing the number of applications from students to participate in short-term academic mobility, in particular through distance learning. Search for international partners.
  5. Development of the eSports Center at Sumy State University (organization and holding of eSports tournaments with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for future applicants.
  6. Development of the digital mastery studio Martian Teapots at the Scientific and Educational Center of Business Analytics (development of the video game “Babylon-3” on the Unreal Engine, development of the video game “Sokil” on the Unity engine: drone operator simulator; creation of the course “Virtual cinematography and live streaming with Unreal Engine 5”).
  7. Organization of game jams on the basis of the Sumy State University eSports Center.
  8. Dissemination of information about the activities of the department in social networks and the Internet (development of the YouTube channel of the department for the dissemination of information on career guidance materials in video format, placement of information in mass media of the All-Ukrainian level).
  9. Creation of a cathedral page in TikToK as part of the career guidance of applicants.
  10. Creation of the English-language version of the new website of the Department of Economic Cybernetics.
  11. Obtaining the scientific degree “Doctor of Sciences” by a representative of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department.
  12. Initiation of dual scientific supervision by post-graduate students of the department with teachers of foreign universities.
  13. Organization of events for students and attraction of applicants within the framework of “Cybernetics Week”.
  14. Initiation of the “E-Sports Week” event for 10-11 grade schoolchildren as part of career orientation events (organization and holding of e-sports tournaments).
  15. Organization and holding of the All-Ukrainian and regional e-sports tournament.
  16. Management and implementation of youth scientific research work financed from the state budget on the topic: “Data-Mining to combat cyber fraud and legalization of criminal proceeds in the context of digitalization of the financial sector of the economy of Ukraine.”
  17. Organization and conduct of a 3-month international virtual course “Numerical optimization methods” with the participation of invited lecturers and students of three levels of higher education (bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy) from Nigeria, India, Turkey, Pakistan.
  18. Organization and holding of the webinar “Anti-cryptojacking in EU countries”.
  19. Organization and holding of the webinar “The EU’s experience in the integration of cyber risks in the ERM sector of financial services”.
  20. Organization and holding of the international online conference “Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Financial Services Industry” (International virtual conference “Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Financial Services Industry”).