Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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Employees of the department took part in the implementation of the following international projects:

Teacher year Place
Kuzmenko О.V. 2022 Center for Euroinitiatives Nagirberseni (Hungary)
Yarovenko H.M. 2022 University of Liverpool (Great Britain)
Kashcha M.O. 2022 Ashbourne Institute (USA)
Bozhenko V.V. 2022 University of Tübingen (Germany)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2022 Leisure center “Ivanchytsia” in the Czech Republic
Kuzmenko О.V., Mynenko S.V., Kushnerov О.S., Bozhenko V.V., Kolomiiets S.V., Didenko І.V., Yatsenko V.V., Кashcha М.О., Kolotilina O.V., Yarovenko H.М., Koybichuk V.V., Dotsenko Т.V., Ovcharenko V.О. 2021 Foundation «Zystrich», (Poland)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2021 Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences, (Poland)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2021 Ignatianum Jesuit University, (Poland)
Koybichuk V.V. 2021 Washington State University (Washington, USA)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2021 Washington State University (Washington, USA)
Bozhenko V.V. 2021 Washington State University (Washington, USA)
Yarovenko H.М. 2020 Development Agency of the Czech Republic. The project to support the quality of education and scientific potential for Sumy universities (Czech Republic)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2020 Development Agency of the Czech Republic. The project to support the quality of education and scientific potential for Sumy universities (Czech Republic)
Bozhenko V.V. 2020 Development Agency of the Czech Republic. The project to support the quality of education and scientific potential for Sumy universities (Czech Republic)
Didenko І.V. 2020 Alexander Dubcek University (Trencin, Slovakia)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2020 Business conference for IT developers White Nights (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Mynenko S.V. 2019 Bingham University (Nigeria)
Koybichuk V.V. 2019 Maltepe University (Istanbul, Turkey)
Pushko О.О. 2019 Conference “5th International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology” (Vienna, Austria).
Kuzmenko О.V. 2018 Foggia University (Foggia, Italy)
Boiko А.О. 2018 Foggia University (Foggia, Italy)
Lieonov S.V. 2018 University of Bath Spa, (Bath, Great Britain)
Boiko А.О. 2018 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).
Lieonov S.V. 2018 Center for Sociological Research “Sustainable Development Goals: New Challengers and Perspectives (Igalo, Montenegro);
Kuzmenko О.V. 2017 Warsaw University, Jagiellonian University (Warsaw, Krakow, Poland)
Mynenko S.V. 2017 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).
Lieonov S.V. 2017 Perruggio University, (Perruggio, Italy)
Lieonov S.V. 2017 University of St. Gallen (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Kuzmenko О.V. 2017 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).
Lieonov S.V. 2017 “SAIL for Teachers” of the Baltic Universities Program.
Pushko О.О. 2017 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).
Oliynyk V.М. 2017 Western Finland College (Huittinen, Finland).
Pushko О.О. 2017 Western Finland College (Huittinen, Finland).
Kuzmenko О.V. 2016 University of Bath Spa, (Bath, Great Britain)
Bozhennko V.V. 2015 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).
Lieonov S.V. 2010 Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (Hachenburg, Germany).

Participation of the Department of Economic Cybernetics in projects to improve the quality of education

During the 2017-2018 academic year, the Department of Economic Cybernetics participated in two projects to improve the quality of education:

  • QUAERE project “Quality Assurance System of Higher Education in Ukraine: Development Based on European Standards and Recommendations” ERASMUS +;
  • Czech project to support the quality of education and scientific capacity for Sumy universities: “Strengthening the process of capacity building in the field of quality of education and research in SNAU and SumSU” (project partners – Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic), Center for Higher Education Research, Czech Republic ), Sumy National Agrarian University and Sumy State University).

The purpose of participation of the Department of Economic Cybernetics in projects is to get acquainted with European standards of education quality in order to improve the quality of educational programs “Economic Cybernetics” and “Business Analytics”, to introduce a mechanism of self-analysis of educational programs, to improve the teaching of disciplines. programs “Economic Cybernetics” and “Business Analytics”.

The QUAERE project was aimed at developing tools for sustainable functioning of internal and external quality assurance systems, encouraging greater involvement of students in self-analysis in higher education, the introduction of self-analysis as an integral component of the functioning of universities.

As part of the QUAERE project, the self-analysis report group prepared a self-analysis report of the Economic Cybernetics educational program (master’s degree), international experts met with the working group on report preparation, with the Program teachers, and with students. ensuring the quality of the educational program and their compliance with European methods of program development.

As part of the project “Strengthening the process of capacity building in the field of quality of education and research in SNAU and SumDU” representatives of the department took part in a seminar on methodology for assessing the quality of the educational process on the example of educational programs. program, the group for the preparation of a report on self-analysis prepared a report on the self-analysis of the educational program “Economic Cybernetics” (Master) according to the requirements of the Center for Higher Education Research (Czech Republic).

Received a certificate from the Center for Higher Education Research (Czech Republic), which certifies that the report is prepared in accordance with the “Standards and Recommendations for Quality Assurance in the European Education Area” ESG-2015 (1.2 Development and approval of programs)

Was revieved according to Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area 1.2

Participation in the project “Innovative University and Leadership. Phase III: Innovation and Relations with the Environment ”(Group: F – building a dynamic structure of relations with the main stakeholders of Ukrainian higher Ukrainian higher education) in Warsaw (based on the University of Warsaw) and Krakow (based on the Jagiellonian University) (Poland ). The project was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and under the honorary patronage of the Foundation of Polish Rectors – Institute