Кафедра економічної кібернетики

Probabilistic Economy Modeling Methods

Aims of the course: the formation of students basic mathematical knowledge for solving theoretical and practical problems in the professional activity of competent specialists’ in a financial and business sphere, skills of analytical thinking and skills of using mathematical knowledge for the formation of real business processes and developments, and for solving economic problems.

Prerequisites: prerequisites are absent.

Language(s): English.

After successful study of the course, the student will be able to:

  • understand the notion of probability theory, random, persistent and impossible events; methods for calculating the probability of the occurrence of the value;
  • calculate a probability of an elementary random event using classical and geometrical definitions of probability and use results in business processes;
  • use a concept of theory of random processes and probability theory for modeling of economic processes;
  • estimate basic numerical characteristics of a random variable using results of an investigation of a sample;
  • understand possibilities and a restriction of using instruments of mathematical statistics during solving of real economic problems.


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