Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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On May 15, the Play For Ukraine [Valorant 5v5 Demo] Charity e-Sports Tournament took place

This was the first tournament in the discipline of Valorant in Sumy.

 The purpose of the tournament is to draw additional attention to the needs of the defenders of Ukraine, to raise funds for the Return Alive Foundation.

30 students took part in the tournament.

 1st place in the tournament was taken by Team Down (KPI-SSU),

 2nd place for the team TF-TM (SSU-SNAU).

 The tournament was organized by the SSU E-Sports Center, the Department of Economic Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SSU Sports Club, SSU Institute of Business, Economics and Management, SSU, Sumy State University and Martian Teapots Digital Arts Studio.