Economic Cybernetics Department
ERI of Business, Economics and Management of SumDU
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Vacancy: Production and Sales Economist

❗Vacancy: Economist for Production and Sales❗

📍LLC VP “Polisan”

🖇We are considering graduates of higher education institutions with high scores, young specialists without work experience.

– accounting for finished products, raw materials, materials and other goods and services;
– systematization of sales documents;
– conducting inventory in the company’s warehouses, including remote ones (RVP warehouses).

– higher economic education;
– attentiveness, scrupulousness, sociability.

💰We offer:
– office at Ivan Piddubny, 25 (delivery of employees by company transport);
– working day 8.45 — 17.30;
– business trips across Ukraine (to the company’s regional sales departments) by company transport;
– official registration.
