Watch the broadcast about free internships

👀 Interested in the state of affairs in the IT industry? Get insights from the leaders of this market in Ukraine! In June, UGEN and EASE consulted with such well-known companies as SoftServe and are now ready to share their findings 😎

The following topics are planned to be discussed during the broadcast:

– free internships: is it worth it and under what conditions?

– Employment prospects: does an unpaid internship increase the chances of getting a job offer?

– Potential pitfalls: what difficulties should you look out for?

– Choosing the right path: how to choose the right internship format and company?

Invited speakers:

🙋‍♀️ Nadiya Manysheva, Community Manager at EASE

🙋‍♂️ Roman Kurylenko, Employer brand specialist at SoftServe and editor of the UGEN IT Talks & Jobs channel

Event details:

🗓 Date: 27 June, Thursday

🕑 Time: 17:00 – 18:00

💻 Platform: Online, via Telegram channel @ugen_ua

Don’t miss the opportunity to get valuable insights and change your approach to job search!